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Helpful or Not? Which Tools Should Be on My Site?


Fall is here! Can you believe it? It seems like summer just started. As we move into fall and toward the holiday season, many of you will have new content and events for the Extend team to add to your websites. We thought it was a great time to go over what is helpful to have on your site and what is not helpful. 


Not Helpful

1.     QR Codes – They are great for flyers about your events, for access to your client portal in your counseling rooms or waiting room, on donation flyers, etc. But QR codes are not very useful on your website. Approximately 90% of the people accessing your websites are doing so on their mobile devices. What do you need to scan a QR code? The camera on your mobile device. That makes it challenging to use the QR code. We are happy to add buttons to your websites to link to donation platforms, event pages, your client portal, or whatever you may need to add to your site. Those buttons will be much more effective than a QR code. 

2.     Excessive Number of Menu Tabs – Too many menu tabs or dropdown menu tabs can make your site begin to look cluttered. 

3.     Poor color choices – Be sure your branding colors speak to who your client is.



1.     Fresh Content – Keeping your content fresh will always help increase your searchability.

2.     Blog – A client focused blog once or twice a month is a great way to keep your content fresh on your site. For your supporter site, you could consider a blog or posting monthly newsletters.

3.     Social Media Links – Providing links to your social media pages on your website is a great way to increase your number of social media followers and further connect either donors or clients with your center. 

4.     Branding – Consistent colors with your center’s branding that carry across any printed materials, social media, your signs, etc. You want to make sure your clients and donors recognize your logo and corresponding colors and fonts wherever they may come across them.

5.     Abortion Information on your client site – You clients are searching for abortion information online. You want to be the place they land rather than an abortion provider so it will lead them to making an appointment with you. 

6.     Option Line Live Chat on client site– After your center closes each day, over the weekend or in the event you cannot get to the phone, you want a client to be able to reach someone and potentially make an appointment. If you do not already have the Option Line Live Chat added to your client site, let us know and we can add it for you so your clients can reach someone trained to answer their questions 24/7/365.

7.     Events – Keeping your donor events updated on your supporter site and adding any community events you are having to your client site is another way to keep your content fresh and draw people to your sites. 

Have questions? Need help? Just contact us at Extend so we can help you make sure your sites are reaching their target audience!



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