Website Development

Pregnancy Help Organization Website Design

Your website is often the first impression that a potential client has of your organization.

We want to help you make the best first impression every time.

At Extend Web Services, we work closely with you to develop the perfect website for your organization. By incorporating your own branding into a proven-effective web template, your center is prepared to effectively reach women in crisis online.

New! Demo our new templates below.

Our Website Templates:

Select a template for a live demo.

Client - Starter




Basic website with limited features and content.

Option Line live chat directly on your website
Free redesign every 2 years
Medical content provided by Heartbeat International (updated regularly)
4 center-specific client content pages (home, about, services, contact)
Mobile-friendly design
Pregnancy Help SEO enabled
Link to website from Option Line
Stock images gallery
Single web form
FREE SSL Certificate
1 email address included
Pregnancy Test Quiz
Drag-and-drop layout manager
Visual color selectors
Easy-to-use content editor
Unlimited free content,media and layout changes by the EWS team
Google Analytics integration
Spanish translation

*Additional one-time set up fee of $150 required





Full-featured client website with free access to both our website management tools and our EWS team for maintenance.

Option Line live chat directly on your website
Free redesign every 2 years
Mobile-friendly design
Medical content provided by Heartbeat International (updated regularly)
Up to 15 center-specific client content pages
Drag-and-drop layout manager
Visual color selectors
Easy-to-use content editor
Unlimited free content changes by the EWS team (additional fees may be applied for custom changes)
Stock images gallery
Pregnancy Help SEO enabled
Google Analytics integration
Web forms
Link to website from Option Line
Spanish translation (free for first page)
FREE SSL Certificate
10 email addresses included
Pregnancy Test Quiz

*Additional one-time set up fee of $360 required





Full-featured supporter/donor website with free access to both our website management tools and our EWS team for maintenance.

Free redesign every 2 years
Mobile-friendly design
Medical content provided by Heartbeat International (updated regularly)
Up to 20 center-specific supporter and donor content pages
Drag-and-drop layout manager
Visual color selectors
Easy-to-use content editor
Unlimited free content changes by the EWS team (additional fees may be applied for custom changes)
Stock images gallery
Pregnancy Help SEO enabled
Google Analytics integration
Web forms
Spanish translation (free for first page)
FREE SSL Certificate
15 email addresses included
Payment/donation gateway integration assistance
Pregnancy Test Quiz

*Additional one-time set up fee of $500 required

Client / Supporter Bundle




Full-featured client website and supporter website with free access to both our website management tools and our EWS team for maintenance. Available on separate domains or on a single domain.

Option Line live chat directly on your website
Free redesign every 2 years
Mobile-friendly design
Medical content provided by Heartbeat International (updated regularly)
Up to 15 center-specific client content pages
Up to 20 center-specific supporter and donor content pages
Drag-and-drop layout manager
Visual color selectors
Easy-to-use content editor
Unlimited free content changes by the EWS team (additional fees may be applied for custom changes)
Stock images gallery
Pregnancy Help SEO enabled
Google Analytics integration
Web forms
Spanish translation (free for first page)
FREE SSL certificate
25 email addresses included
Payment/donation gateway integration
Pregnancy Test Quiz

*Additional one-time set up fee of $600 required