Do you remember the last time you updated your website?
Jenn here! Question for you:
Do you remember the last time you updated your website?
Maybe you just updated your website, and you tend to it daily (or as often as you can) to boost search results. Or, possibly it has been a few years and you update things here and there as you can. Maybe it has been over five years and your staff is limited and there is just so much to do that your website seems to get pushed to the backburner each month.
How many times have you gone to a website and moved off it quickly because it looked so dated that you weren’t even sure they were in business anymore? Or images on a site you visited were so old or unrelatable that you thought to yourself – there is no way they would relate to me so I will try to find help elsewhere that will relate to me better. Have you ever checked out someone’s website and wanted to reach out, so you tried their phone, address, email, etc. but none of them worked and you later realized that their information wasn’t even correct?
This month I want to focus on why it is crucial to keep your website up to date and current – as well as some of the basic areas to be sure to regularly update on your site. We get questions all the time from the pregnancy help community about how often a website should be updated and what areas should be tended to when updating a website.
I know a lot of times it seems there is just not enough time in the day, and it is easy to let your website get outdated or to forget to update information as things change on your website. But don’t forget - not updating your website could not only weaken trust with those visiting your website but also weaken trust with search engines. And think about all of those visiting your site from other sources of marketing you might be branching out into sending them to your website (Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads, Local Search, brochures, business cards, etc.). Your website should be one of your main priorities when it comes to your marketing plan because of all the other areas of your marketing that lead them to your website.
Things to be sure to keep updated when it comes to your website:
- The overall look and feel (design).
- Images/photos
- Content (new/updated content on your website is crucial for your search engine optimization)
- Phone, email, address, hours you are open/available.
- Services/classes you offer.
- Any medical information
Keeping these basic areas of your website fresh and updated will make a huge difference to reach your audiences. Make sure you aren’t putting precious time and attention or funds toward other areas of marketing and sending people to an outdated, unrelatable website.
Remember – If you have a website with Extend, we offer free redesigns every two years because of how important it is. So don’t hesitate to reach out to me if this is something you are eligible for and are ready to get started with!
Don’t forget – You’re doing great!