What Are You Currently Doing?
An important part of our conversations with centers when speaking with them are their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their marketing plan. What are you currently doing? What do you do well in house? What are the weaker areas that you know you are lacking in that we should look at first.
As a pregnancy help organization, we know how hard you work for the funds that you have and how important your budget is. We consist of a team that has volunteered and worked for centers, attended center banquets, helped assist with putting on banquets and other center events, interned with a center - being a part of Heartbeat International allows us to put so many of the Heartbeat resources into action within the services we offer.
We know how important your marketing campaign is – which is why Extend came into existence. Because marketing as a pregnancy help organization is crucial to reach your target audience and be sure you are where women and men are looking - but to do it at a budget friendly cost. We appreciate so much the trust put into the Extend Team to use your marketing budget to get the most you can in the areas needed to strengthen your reach.
Our services are available separately because if you have someone amazing in house doing social media, or someone that has had great success with Google Ads campaigns, or maybe you have someone with a marketing background on staff that has designed a beautiful website for you and it is performing great – we want to know about it and we want to know how we can take those pieces of your marketing strategy to the next level for you.
Reach out anytime! We would love to chat with you about all that you are currently doing and see how we may be able to partner with you to help you further reach your target audience.