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Jenn's Question of the Month: What should I include on my supporter site?


Happy Spring! This month I will be following up with my blog from last month (What do I need to include on my Client-Focused Website) to touch on recommendations of important items to include on your supporter-focused website. 

What should I include on my supporter-focused website as a pregnancy help organization?

Your supporter-focused website is a great opportunity to showcase what you are all about and why you are passionate about the pregnancy help movement. Think about what your supporter/donor focused audience is looking for when they come to your website. Are they looking to learn more about your center? Are they looking to get involved? Would they like to donate and are they looking for an easy way to do so? This is a great place to share your heart as a PHO and offer information to inspire, educate, and inform. Supporters want to know why it is you do what you do, what your goals are as a center, and how you are making a change.

Some important items to include on your supporter focused website:

  • Your mission and who you are – Include pictures of your team and maybe some introductions telling a bit about each team member.
  • Client stories telling the impact you have on your community (Let your supporters know how lives are being changed at your center!)
  • Upcoming events/fundraisers
  • Volunteer and job opportunities
  • How to donate (and specific items you may need)
  • Services offered at your location(s)
  • Goals you have reached and goals you are working toward.

There is a lot of information to provide on a supporter site - Make sure it is easily understood

Use your supporter website to its maximum potential. Put things simply so that your target audience for this site can easily understand who you are and how what you do as a center is making a difference. It is important that those visiting your website to learn more don’t have to dig to try to understand what you are all about and how they can get involved. 

Consider using images and/or videos that let your stories as a center and your client’s stories (if given permission) to show your passion in a whole other light. 

Lastly, be sure to promote your supporter website where it makes sense (flyers, church boards, supporter-focused Facebook & Instagram accounts, etc.) so that those looking to get involved know where to find you.

Don’t forget – You’re doing great!

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